A few months ago we were sitting around with Jim's family chatting about preparing ourselves for the end of the world... Among many other tactics of self sufficiency and survival that were discussed, "chickens" caught Jimmy's interest and led to what we have now. After much contemplation of whether to get baby chicks, or just go for the chickens, we decided to pay a little more and have the work done for us...
Here is our chicken coop that we built using Max and Chloe's dog house.. sorry guys!

Now meet our chickens:
This is Granny, she was given to us just a few days ago by our neighbors.. she's getting pretty old and they had too many chickens i guess.. she is the only one old enough to lay eggs right now...
The Next two are named Frita and Frango (translated in Portuguese that means "Fried" and "Chicken") hee hee
We just refer to the others as the Jackson four.. I think you can guess why...
We were told this one might be a rooster.. don't tell anyone cause rooster's aren't allowed in Orem. Woops!
This afternoon i went out to take care of the Little flock and found a Little surprise..
Our first official egg It's a bit smaller than a store bought egg, but we'll take what we can get!