Thursday, November 20, 2008

Missing Socks...

Doesn’t it just drive you crazy when you do a load of laundry, lay it out on your bed, fold, and fold, and fold, and when you’re done…somehow there is one sock left without a pair….WHAT THE HECK? How could that sock possibly get lost in a 15ft distance?

Well, I have the answer…

Yesterday we noticed that our dryer wasn’t doing it’s job, so we got the “handyman” to come today to see what was wrong. Before he arrived, I panicked at the thought of how dirty it must be behind those machines. I went ahead and pulled the dryer out from its little corner and was astonished at the sight. “There’s all my socks!!!” No joke, I found 17 socks without pairs back there.

So, the moral of the story is, next time you finish all of your folding and you end up with a lonely sock… try looking behind the dryer!

P.S. Aditional items found:

Hair curler
12 buttons
candy wrappers
oven mit
pictures of past residents
spilled detergent
price tags
etc. etc.

NOTE: This house was rented by college girls in the past 5 years.


Brigette Little said...

How funny! My solution is just to never wear socks in the first place. I can get away with that down here!

julie said...

That is hysterical! I will have to look. I have actually found some of my sock matches at Mom and Dad's house. Maybe I should look behind there dryer also!

Kate and Peter Lowe said...

Hahaha seriously! It is a wonder what you can find back there!! So we need to get together my love, I miss you and SO need to meet your hubby! Lets plan something with Erin!

Robertsons said...

no way...are u sure u dont have a rat that is draging things back there?

Erin said...

You mean I can't blame it on the sock monster? All these years I've had it all wrong! smile